COVID-19 – Tahmoor Family GP
Dear Patients,
We have a few updates from The Clinic Tahmoor (Family GP):
WAITING ROOM: We are keeping our waiting room safe with continued regular cleaning and screening of patients, Our childrens play area is closed until further notice and with minimal seating now available we ask that you do not bring extra family members or friends into the waiting room. You will need to check in with Reception on arrival.
MASKS: Please remember to Bring Your Mask when visiting The Clinic. NSW Health now requires all patients (and the people who accompany them) to wear a mask when visiting their GP or Healthcare facility. If you can’t source your own mask, ask our lovely reception staff and we will help but we have very limited supplies and encourage everyone to bring their own.
EXTRA SCREENING FOR PATIENTS 10YRS AND UNDER: We will be phoning you on the morning of your appointment to screen patient and anyone who will accompany them to the surgery, please make sure your phone number is up to date in our system and be aware we will be calling.
PEOPLE EXPERIENCING **ANY** OF THESE SYMPTOMS: FEVER, RUNNY NOSE, COUGH, SORE THROAT, SHORTNESS OF BREATH, CHANGE IN TASTE AND SMELL or CLOSE CONTACT WITH A SUSPECTED OR CONFIRMED COVID-19 CASE, you will need to stay home and phone the medical practice for an urgent phone consultation. 4683 1244. As a family GP, we need to keep our staff and practice safe and open so please adhere to this rule.
NO WALK-INS: Our Surgery remains Open for face to face consults with our doctors but you will need to phone for a booking 4683 1244 or book online.
TELEHEALTH AVAILABLE FOR ALL: If you don’t need to see your GP face to face, consider booking a telephone or video consultation, our regular patients can book online, new patients will need to phone reception on: 4683 1244.
Contact us if you have any questions.